Texas Operation Lifesaver
- About TX OL
- TX OL Events
- TX OL Safety Partners
- TX OL Statistics
- Volunteer
- The Three E's of Operation Lifesaver
About TX OL
Since 1974, Texas Operation Lifesaver has been committed to preventing collisions, injuries, and fatalities on and around railroad track and highway-rail grade crossings with the support of our railroad partners across the state.
Texas Operation Lifesaver reaches millions of Texans annually through our safety campaigns and the hard work of our volunteers across the State. As a result, we have seen an 82% decline in rail-related incidents over the last five decades. You may think you will beat the odds – or maybe you don’t realize that you are making risky choices when it comes to driving or walking near railroad tracks and trains. Remember- See Tracks? Think Train!
Texas Operation Lifesaver is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public safety organization committed to reducing the number of tragic incidents at highway-rail grade crossing intersections and trespassing on railroad rights-of-way.
By making free Operation Lifesaver presentations to all age groups and to various professions (bus drivers, professional truck drivers, law enforcement, first responders, and others), our organization educates the public on how to make good decisions around railways in order to stay safe and alive.
Supported by group-appropriate visual materials, videos, and brochures, these presentations encourage the citizens of Texas to become actively involved in enhancing rail safety in their communities.
TX OL Events
The goal of Rail Safety Week (RSW) is to raise awareness of the need for rail safety education and empower the general public to keep themselves safe near highway-rail grade crossings and railroad rights-of-way. Join us in observing Rail Safety Week annually at the end of September!
Look for our public service announcements on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
TX OL Safety Partners
Texas Operation Lifesaver would like to thank each of the companies who make it possible to share our rail safety message
Union Pacific Railroad
BNSF Railway Co.
Angelina & Neches River Railroad Co.
The Blacklands Railroad, Inc.
Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railroad
Capital Metro/Austin
Central Texas & Colorado River Railway
Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Dallas, Garland & Northeastern Railroad
Denton County Transportation Authority
Federal Railroad Administration
Fort Worth & Western Railroad
Gardendale Railroad, Inc.
Georgetown Railroad Co.
Herzog Transit Services
Kiamichi Railroad
Longhorn & Western Railroad at the Texas Transportation Museum
Lubbock & Western Railway
Luminant Power
Metropolitan Transit Authority/Houston
Panhandle Northern Railroad Co.
Plainsman Switching Co.
Port Terminal Railroad Association
Rio Valley Switching Co.
RJ Corman Railroad Company Texas Lines, LLC
Sabine River & Northern Railroad Co.
South Plains Lamesa Railroad
Southern Switching Co.
Temple & Central Texas Railway
Texas & New Mexico Railway
Texas City Terminal Railway Co.
Texas Department of Transportation
Texas Northeastern Railroad
Texas Pacifico Transportation Ltd.
Timber Rock Railroad
TNW Corporation
Trinity Railway Express
Western Rail Road Co.
Wichita, Tillman & Jackson Railway Co.
TX OL Statistics
The Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Safety Analysis maintains an extensive database on railroad safety statistics.
The purpose of the site is to make railroad safety information, including accidents and incidents, inventory and highway-rail crossing data, readily available to the public.
Site users can run dynamic queries, download a variety of safety database files, publications and forms, and view current statistical information on railroad safety.
Texas Operation LIfesaver is a volunteer-driven organization reaching millions of Texans annually through presentations and community action.
We would like to say thank you to all of our volunteers throughout the State who reach out in their communities and do their part to keep their communities safe around railroad tracks and trains.
Please visit oli.org/safety-near-trains/volunteer if you would like to become one of our Authorized Volunteers!
The Three E's of Operation Lifesaver
Increased awareness equals increased safety, both behind the wheel and on foot. Operation Lifesaver educational outreach programs mean safer communities.
By promoting effective and modern engineering, Texas Operation Lifesaver is encouraging innovators to research and develop new and effective ways of making grade crossings safer, lessening the chance of a tragic incident.
The laws that govern our state’s railways are in place to keep people safe at designated crossing areas, and away from private railroad property. Texas Operation Lifesaver supports aggressive enforcement of these laws, as well as Grade Crossing Collision Investigation (GCCI) courses, Officer on the Train (OOT) events, and classes for emergency first responders.