North Carolina Operation Lifesaver
- About NC OL
- NC OL Events
- NC OL Safety Partners
- NC OL Statistics
- Especially for Driving Instructors
- Safety Tips
- Especially for OLAVs (Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer)
About NC OL
What is North Carolina Operation Lifesaver?
North Carolina Operation Lifesaver (NCOL) is a nonprofit public safety education and awareness organization dedicated to reducing collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail crossings and trespassing on or near railroad tracks. NCOL promotes rail safety through public awareness campaigns and education initiatives, including free safety presentations by authorized volunteers. We speak to school groups, driver education classes, community audiences, professional drivers, law enforcement officers, emergency responders, and others. Our program is co-sponsored by state and local government agencies, highway safety organizations, America's railroads, and other entities. Together we promote the three E's - education, enforcement and engineering - to keep people safe around the tracks and railway crossings within our communities. NCOL is part of a national nonprofit program known as Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI).
Why is Operation Lifesaver Needed?
Sadly, every year people in North Carolina are killed or injured at highway-rail crossings and at other locations along railroad tracks.
Many people are unaware that trains cannot stop quickly to avoid collisions; or, they take chances by ignoring warning signs and signals, going around lowered gates, stopping on tracks, or simply not paying attention when approaching highway-rail crossings. People also make the potentially fatal mistake of choosing railroad tracks as shortcuts or as places to walk or run for recreation. They may not realize that walking on train tracks is illegal, or understand how quickly and quietly a train can approach. Our safety tips can save your life – or the life of someone you love.
Become an Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer
We are always looking for high-energy volunteers to help us spread our important message. Our volunteers are everywhere—schools, training programs, law enforcement events and safety fairs—with the common purpose of keeping our citizens safe. You can begin the process today by clicking here..
NC OL Events
OL's 50th Anniversary Recognized by Atlas Model Railroad Company
August 11, 2021 -- I’m excited to share with you that Atlas Model Railroad Company just released pre-order options for a commemorative Operation Lifesaver 50th Anniversary model locomotive in N, HO, and O scale! Please share information on the model train and help get the word out. NOTE that ALL orders are due Sept 8, 2021 and ONLY pre-orders will be accepted. order forms are linked below
N Scale Silver Series online order
N Scale Gold Series online order
HO Scale Silver Series online
HO Scale Gold Series online
O Scale Premier Version Order online
July 2 is NCOL Night At the Durham Bulls
Join North Carolina Operation Lifesaver on Friday, July 2 at Durham Bulls Athletic Park, when the Triple A Bulls take on the Gwinnett Stripers at 6:35 pm. Tickets can be purchased at
NCOL volunteers will be manning a table on the concourse and giving away Rail Safety materials, including hand fans, coloring books and crayons, pencils, and other reminders that you should always "See Tracks? Think Train!"
And - since this is a Friday night game, it will be followed by - FIREWORKS!
Durham Bulls Athletic Park is located at 409 Blackwell Street, Durham.
Drivers Education Instructors Can Get CEUs for Becoming OLAVs
July 9, 2020 -- In cooperation with the NC Dept. of Motor Vehicles and OLI, Drivers Education Instructors who complete OLAV training will receive four (4) hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Following their authorization, Instructors can continue to achieve CEUs at the rate of one hour per four reported presentations. Please spread the news! In addition, OL has released some GREAT new videos for classes - if you can't have an OLAV present in person or virtually, you can still convey the message.
Check out the links below:
In the Interest of Safety: New Driver Edition
In the Interest of Safety Video Facilitation Guide -
Cheating Death -
Critical Junction -
John-John’s Story -
Think Train -
Did you see this? May 30, 2018, Star, NC On Wednesday, May 30, NCOL, NCDOT-BeRailSafe, and the Aberdeen Carolina & Western Railroad staged the first ever (at least in NC, if not in the world) collision between a moving vehicle and a moving train. The event was coordinated by Crash Data Specialists, LLC.
The locomotive, driven by ACWR's Ed Thum, and including ACWR President Jennifer Harrell as a passenger, reached a speed of 22 miles per hour within 400 feet, from a dead stop. The vehicle, provided by the NC State Highway Patrol, was propelled forward by a pulley system attached to the rear of the locomotive. The collision resulted in "fatal" injuries to two of the three occupants of the vehicle. Click on one of the three links below for footage of the crash.
NC OL Safety Partners
NCOL is fortunate to have several sponsors and partners in Rail Safety.
Norfolk-Southern Railway
CSX Transportation
Railway Association of North Carolina
Aberdeen Carolina & Western Railroad
Southeast Railroad Supply, Inc.
Laurinburg & Southern Railroad, Yadkin Valley Railroad, Kinston & Snow Hill Railroad
Alexander Railroad Company
Mid East Railroad Service, Inc.
NC Dept. of Transportation Rail Division
NC State Highway Patrol
NC Dept. of Motor Vehicles
NC Governor's Highway Safety Program
Charlotte Area Transit System
Federal Railroad Administration
NCOL is proud to partner with BeRailSafe to inform and educate North Carolinians about Rail Safety.
*Board Members:**
Jim Westmoreland, PE - Chair
Jahmal Pullen, NCDOT - Rail Division - Vice-Chair
Paul Worley, Mott MacDonald - Treasurer
Lt. Gary Brown, NC State Highway Patrol
Cheryl Leonard, Ph.D, NC GHSP
Paul Dlouhy, NC DMV
Tony Long, Mint Hill Tool Rental
Michelle Hollowell, Railway Association of North Carolina
Donald Arant, NC Railroad Company
The Honorable AB Swindell
John Gomes, Amtrak
Peggy Smith, CSX

NC OL Statistics
In 2020, 13 people lost their lives in railroad incidents in North Carolina; 12 while walking on railroad tracks (trespassing), and one in highway-rail incidents (where a vehicle and train interact). A comparison of 2019 vs. 2020 statistics from the Federal Railroad Administration is shown below.

The Covid-19 pandemic affected everything, including rail safety. For 2020, North Carolina ranks 12th in the nation in the number of trespassing fatalities. NC had a 31% decrease in trespassing incidents, due largely to a significant decrease in rail traffic during the Covid-19 pandemic. In other words, citizens were more than likely still trespassing on tracks, but fewer trains were running to cause strikes. The same statistic holds true for highway-rail incidents - from 2019 to 2020, incidents were reduced by 77%, fatalities by 80%, and injuries by 100%. NC is ranked 13th in the number of highway-rail incidents.
All railroad tracks in NC are private property, trespassing on them is a Class 3 Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $350.00.
Especially for Driving Instructors
Under construction! please check back later!
- Trains can't stop quickly to avoid people and vehicles on the tracks.
- It takes a mile or more to stop a freight train traveling 55 miles per hour. By the time the engineer sees you, it's probably too late to stop.
- No tracks should be assumed to be abandoned and inactive. And even so, they're still private property and you are more than likely trespassing.
- People in your community, or those who see your photos on Facebook, Instagram, or websites, mimic your behavior, which may put them in danger.
Safety Tips
Here are some safety tips to share with your friends and family. Many more are available at
Click here to request a presentation or more information.
- Trains and cars don't mix. Never race a train to the crossing — even if you tie, you lose.
- Be aware that trains cannot stop quickly. Even if the locomotive engineer sees you, a freight train moving at 55 miles per hour can take a mile or more to stop once the emergency brakes are applied. That's 18 football fields!
- Never drive around lowered gates — it's illegal and deadly. And don't stop on tracks - THAT'S illegal and deadly.
- If your vehicle ever stalls on the tracks, get out and get away from the tracks, even if you do not see a train. Locate the Emergency Notification System sign and call the number provided, telling them about the stalled vehicle. If a train is approaching, run toward the train but away from the tracks at a 45 degree angle. If you run in the same direction a train is traveling, you could be injured by flying debris. For more information about the Emergency Notification System sign (the "Blue Sign") click here.
Especially for OLAVs (Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer)
Drivers Education Instructors Can Get CEUs for Becoming OLAVs
July 9, 2020 -- In cooperation with the NC Dept. of Motor Vehicles and OLI, Drivers Education Instructors who complete OLAV training will receive four (4) hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Following their authorization, Instructors can continue to achieve CEUs at the rate of one hour per four reported presentations. Please spread the news!
Zoom is the new Face-to-Face!
May 12, 2020 -- Four new OLAVs completed their training by Zoom Face-To-Face interviews today! Welcome Ella Wise of Spring Lake, Richard Ingram of Coats, Sarah Urruti of Burlington, and Daniel Cramp of Kings' Mountain!
Did you see this? On Wednesday, May 30,2018, NCOL, NCDOT-BeRailSafe, and the Aberdeen Carolina & Western Railroad staged the first ever (at least in NC, if not in the world) collision between a moving vehicle and a moving train. The event was coordinated by Crash Data Specialists, LLC.
The locomotive, driven by ACWR's Ed Thum, and including ACWR President Jennifer Harrell as a passenger, reached a speed of 22 miles per hour within 400 feet, from a dead stop. The vehicle, provided by the NC State Highway Patrol, was propelled forward by a pulley system attached to the rear of the locomotive. The collision resulted in "fatal" injuries to two of the three occupants of the vehicle. Click on one of the three links below for footage of the crash.

Contact Us
North Carolina Operation Lifesaver Margaret Cannell, Executive Director
Raleigh , NC 27608
- Remember to choose NC Operation Lifesaver as your designated Amazon Smile Charity: