Michigan Operation Lifesaver
- About MI OL
- MI OL Events
- MI OL Safety Partners
- MI OL Statistics
- Links of Interest
- Safety Presentations
- Emergency Notification System Blue Sign PSA
- Higher Speed Rail Electronic Collateral Pieces
About MI OL
Michigan Operation Lifesaver is an active, continuous public information and education program designed to help prevent crashes at highway/rail grade-crossings. In addition, the goal is to eliminate trespasser incidents along the railroad rights-of-way.
The 3 "E"s of Operation Lifesaver are: Education, Engineering, and Enforcement. Each has a role in our attempt to reduce the over 500 fatal crashes and over 600 trespasser fatalities that occur each year.
States across the U.S. and several foreign countries have OL programs. MI OL's trained volunteer presenters will come to your organization to make an interesting presentation.
Michigan Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization.

MI OL Events
The Annual meeting of Michigan Operation Lifesaver will be held at the Coopersville & Marne Railway, 306 Main Street, Coopersvile, MI 49404 at 9:30 AM on April 25, 2025.

MI OL Safety Partners
- Curtis Stewart - State Coordinator
- Sam Crowl - Assistant State Coordinator
Board of Directors
- Jon Cool - Chairman/Sec/Treasurer (MRA)
- Levi Thompson (FRA)
- Ken Gilsdorf (OLI)
- Scott Carleson (MSP)
- Sam Crowl
- Louis DeKoster
- Julie Gravelle
- David Salamis
- Curtis Stewart
- Rahn Stokes

MI OL Statistics

Links of Interest
Click on any of the links below for information:
Michigan Railroads Association
MDOT Rail & Public Transit
Download Michigan Model Enforcement Guide
FRA Office of Safety Analysis
Professional Driver e-Training
School Bus Driver e-Training
Download Violation Report
Safety Presentations
Do you have a group that would benefit from a free presentation on highway-rail grade crossing safety and rail trespass prevention? No problem.
Michigan Operation Lifesaver's network of Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteers (OLAV) offer free rail safety programs in school classrooms, to driver ed students, community service and civic groups, professional bus, truck and emergency first responder drivers and others. Our trained volunteers are located throughout the state. If you would like to schedule a presenter, contact State Coordinator Sam Crowl at the email address on the "Contact Us" sidebar.
If you would like to become an OLAV, fill out an online application available by clicking HERE.

Emergency Notification System Blue Sign PSA
Higher Speed Rail Electronic Collateral Pieces
Near Miss Video
See Tracks Think Train.org
No Selfie Video
No Photo Video