Iowa Operation Lifesaver
About IA OL

What is Iowa Operation Lifesaver?
Iowa Operation Lifesaver (IA OL) is a nonprofit public safety education and awareness organization dedicated to reducing collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail crossings and trespassing on or near railroad tracks. IA OL promotes rail safety through public awareness campaigns and education initiatives, including free safety presentations by authorized volunteers. We speak to school groups, driver education classes, community audiences, professional drivers, law enforcement officers, emergency responders, and others. Our program is co-sponsored by state and local government agencies, highway safety organizations, America's railroads, and other entities. Together we promote the three E's - education, enforcement and engineering - to keep people safe around the tracks and railway crossings within our communities. IA OL is part of a national nonprofit program known as Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI).
Why is Operation Lifesaver Needed?
Sadly, every year people in Iowa are killed or injured at highway-rail crossings and at other locations along railroad tracks. Many people are unaware that trains cannot stop quickly to avoid collisions; or, they take chances by ignoring warning signs and signals, going around lowered gates, stopping on tracks, or simply not paying attention when approaching highway-rail crossings. People also make the potentially fatal mistake of choosing railroad tracks as shortcuts or as places to walk or run for recreation. They may not realize that walking on train tracks is illegal, or understand how quickly and quietly a train can approach. Our safety tips can save your life – or the life of someone you love.
Become an Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteer
We are always looking for high-energy volunteers to help us spread our important message. Our volunteers are everywhere—schools, training programs, law enforcement events and safety fairs—with the common purpose of keeping our citizens safe. You can begin the process today by clicking here.
IA OL Safety Partners
Iowa Operation Lifesaver Partners
- Amtrak
- Boone Scenic Valley Railroad
- Burlington Junction Railway
- Burlington Northern Santa Fe
- Canadian National
- Canadian Pacific Railroad
- Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway
- Cities around Iowa
- Clarksville Library
- Comfort Inn, Altoona
- Dewitt Library
- Grand Mound Museum
- Federal Highway Administration
- Federal Railroad Administration
- Hy-Vee
- Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers
- Iowa Colleges
- Iowa Community Colleges
- Iowa Department of Transportation
- Iowa Fire Departments-County and Cities
- Iowa Interstate Railroad
- Iowa Law Enforcement-County and Cities Departments
- Iowa Northern Railway
- Iowa State Fair
- Iowa State Patrol
- Iowa State University
- Iowa TV and Radio Stations
- James H. Andrew Railroad Musuem, Boon & Scenic Valley Railroad
- Morton Suggestion Company
- Operation Lifesaver Inc.
- Osceola County Fair, Sibley
- Shine Brother's Railroad
- SMART Transportation Division, BLET
- Trains on the Farm Museum
- Union Pacific Railroad
IA OL Statistics
Crossing Collisions and Casualties, Trespass Casualties
For Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) - part of the U.S. Department of Transportation - crossing and trespass statistics by state, visit FRA's Office of Safety Analysis or Operation Lifesaver Inc.'s website
Organizational membership
Organizational membership may be granted to any organization involved in highway-rail grade crossing safety and trespass prevention, including railroads operating in the state, government agencies, businesses, civic and service organizations, and others interested in promoting the mission of the organization.
Individual membership
Individual membership may be granted to any individual interested in highway-rail grade crossing and trespass prevention, and in promoting the mission of Iowa Operation Lifesaver, Inc.